Image of stormy road leading to the horizon with cracked letters spelling "UTS"

Replace Extensis Universal Type Server (UTS)

Looking for an alternative to Universal Type Server (UTS) font manager from Extensis? FontAgent Server delivers enterprise-class font management and control on-premises or in the cloud.
Picture of an Italian Renaissance scribe using a feather quill to write a manuscript by candlelight

Old Style Fonts Are New Again

Old Style fonts revive early Renaissance typefaces used by Italian scribes and printers to spread knowledge and enlightenment across the western world.
Image of astonished woman using a laptop

Replace Monotype FontExplorer X Server

FontExplorer from Monotype is slated to sunset in June 2023. If you’re an enterprise customer of Monotype, you should replace FontExplorer with FontAgent enterprise font management and control.

Okta Authentication and SSO in FontAgent

Add the power of Okta user identity and authentication to your FontAgent CloudServer enterprise font management solution.
Vector image of person being identified in a line of people and being authenticated

Authentication and Single Sign-on in FontAgent

Strengthen the security of your font distribution, control and compliance initiatives by integrating FontAgent® with Azure, Okta and other your authentication and directory technologies.
Image of magician using FontAgent auto-activating fonts in Adobe and other applications

Auto-Activating Fonts in Adobe Applications

To keep you creating at full speed, FontAgent® supports font auto-activation in popular Adobe Creative Cloud applications.

macOS Compatibility

Learn which versions of Insider font management and distribution products are compatible with Sonoma, Ventura and other Apple macOS releases.
FontAgent 10 image of white and blue text on light blue background image of colored spheres

FontAgent 10 for Mac Highlights

FontAgent 10 for Mac adds native M-series chip support for up to 10x faster rendering and auto-activation, macOS 14 Sonoma and Adobe CC 2024 support, set filtering, dupe checking, and UI improvements.
Type point-size gauge measuring the font size of an uppercase A

Digital Font Size: What’s the Point?

When the prepress world moved from metal to digital type, processes changed but terminology didn't. So what does point size actually mean in the world of digital fonts?
Black type sample depicting the letters U, v, w, x, y and z, and the words x-height x-factors, on a blue and green abstract background

Selecting Fonts: X-Height X-Factors

Font selection is full of x-factors, qualities that appeal to the eye or to the needs of a specific design. One of those x-factors is x-height. So what is x-height and how does it affect the way we interact with type?
Image of Charlemagne statue with a lowercase g floating over the Aachen palace.

Lowercase g: The Story of Stories

Ever wonder why lowercase glyphs for the letters g and a vary in appearance? The answer involves kings, scribes, religion, power, culture and literacy. Grab some popcorn and settle into your seat because this story begins twelve hundred years ago.
Window pane with the words "The Power of 10" displayed in neon lights

FontAgent 10 Windows Highlights

Version 10 of FontAgent for Windows adds a bevy of new features that enhance the font management, control and compliance power of the World's Smartest Font Manager.
Close-up image of a parking meter whose time has expired

Replace Your Dying Font Server

Are you worried that your current font manager is being discontinued? Wondering what your font server vendor’s development strategy is moving forward? If you aren’t worried, you should be. Your freedom is at stake.
Graphic of upper-case O's styled to look like disguised faces

Using FontAgent to Detect Duplicates

Duplicate fonts are among the most common problems in font collections. Here's how to use the duplicates detector in FontAgent to find fonts that are similar to each other.
Graphic of colorful, stylized alphabet and numbers representing how FontAgent enables users to view individual glyphs in a font file

Picture This: The Glyphs View in FontAgent

There is no more fundamental way to inspect a font than by examining the outlines of the individual glyphs that comprise the entire font.